Quinn x Chica
Puppies arrived Wednesday May 21, 2014. Final Count:
2 red tri males
1 red bi male
2 red merle males
2 black bi females
All puppies have gone to their new homes.
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After 22 years of owning and competing with Australian Shepherds, I am excited to announce my first litter this Spring. My objective is to produce dogs that have the genetics, temperament and structure to excel as stock dogs, and any performance venue. With Quinn and Chica I am really fortunate to have two talented stock dogs who are truly a good match for each other in their structure, temperament and performance abilities. Quinn brings intensity, focus and his workaholic nature to Chica’s happy and exuberant character. Chica is a strong fetching dog, she is very kind to her stock and very biddable. Quinn heads and has a strong low heel.
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