
WTCH Justus & The Mighty Quinn DNA-VP  RTDc RNX RS-N JS-O GS-NO RNX RE / CKC HAsd


quinn_featureASCA CKC and AKC registered
Red W/ White trim
DOB: Sept 14, 2008
Height: 20.5″  Weight: 50lbs
OFA: Hips good / Elbows normal
CHIC #68382
CERF: normal, June 2013
MDR1: normal/ normal
HSF4: normal/ normal
Dentition: Full

View Pedigree
Standing at stud to approved Females


Quinn has been extremely focused and keen in all his training right from day 1. On stock Quinn is a very talented and stylish worker. He works wide and uses moderate eye on his sheep. With very limited exposure to cattle he has shown a lot of natural ability, he hits heads and is a strong and stylish heeler. He enjoys working ducks and has had some great scores. He can be a little pushy but is generally very biddable and always keen to work.

Quinn brings lots of drive enthusiasm and speed to his agility work. He has great focus and self control right from a young age. I think Quinn was the first dog that I really figured out Premack with and it has been really fun to work this with him. Basically what this means is that he loves to be rewarded with more work ( in the form of his favourite behaviours). I really need to get more trialing in with him and hope to do so this year. His first trial was at 2012 ASCA nationals and he won High in Trial Novice in Agility.

Quinn is very enthusiastic and focused in obedience and rally training. He loves retrieving and his daily chore is retrieving all the metal dog dishes at feeding time.

Quinn is very social with people and dogs and has a very solid temperament. He doesn’t like thunder or fireworks but he can work stock just fine with a moderate amount of thunder noise.

Quinn is a very handsome and correct in structure. He has a nice front and great rear angulation. He has a lovely natural ear set and dark red coat.

Quinn’s Accomplishments

ASCA stockdog Merit awards

2012-2013 #1 Open duck dog, #2 Open Cattle, #6 Open Sheep

2010 CNASA nationals

  • Quinn was high combined and overall top herding dog

quinn_bakersfield_awards2012 ASCA Nationals Bakersfield CA

  • Quinn Places 1st in Open Sheep, 2nd in Open cattle and 2nd in Open ducks
  • In agility 6/6 Qualifying runs and HIT Novice
  • Rally Novice B 1st Place with a 200
  • MVA qualifier 13th place

2013 ASCA Nationals Greeley CO

  • Quinn placed in the top 10 in Advanced ducks and sheep with scores of 107 and 115.5
  • Quinn places 1st and 2nd in regular agility
  • Rally advanced B qualifier 194
  • MVA qualifier and 10th Place